indoor & outdoor


REnovation & rePAIR
OF faCades


Terraces & POOL HOUSES


Facade renovations

If, over time, the facade of a house suffers damage because it is exposed to various external aggressions it's time to consider its renovation.

Renovating a facade is both a legal obligation - the law requires planning a renovation of  your facade every ten years - and an action to increase the value of your building. Such work involves a specific expertise, which enables an effective and lasting treatment, taking account of the architectural requirements of each facade. It is therefore strongly advised to entrust your work to a proven expert  in renovation and restoration of facades.

Cardoso Construction will accompany you through all phases of your project from the diagnosis of your facade, including the identification of the damages and their origins, to define the appropriate technique to the implementation of your project, whether it is a traditional facade renovation,  a lime renovation, a stone or slate cladding.

We also do all your renovations, interiors and exteriors, expansions, elevations, roof extensions, garden walls, patios, pools, and all your : dry stone walls, shale masonry, stone and brick masonry, as well as:

Dry stone walls


Shale Masonry

Si vous souhaitez habilier la façade de votre construction neuve ou rénover la façade de votre maison - Cardoso Construction est le spécialiste à votre côté !

Stone and brick masonry

Pierres maçonnées à la chaux & briques de parement

Facade renovation

Réfection de façade en pierre

Pool Houses and Swimming Pool Terraces